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Diplomado en Gerencia PúblicaDiplomado en Control de Gestión EstratégicoDiplomado en Preparación y Evaluación Social de ProyectosDiplomado en Gestión, Ingeniería y Ciencias para la Resiliencia a los DesastresDiplomado en Gestión de Proyectos Municipal - RegionalDiplomado en Adquisiciones Públicas
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Diploma in Public Management

Acquire new concepts and tools of public management.

Duration: Full Time from November 4 th to 22nd
Language: English
More Information : docencia.csp@dii.uchile.cl
Telephone : +56 2 2978 0917
Location : Location: Beauchef 851, Santiago de Chile.
Academic Program: Diploma program of 120 chronological hours.

We invite you to share experiences with public managers from Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and other countries.

This program is suited to managers and senior professionals working in the public sector who would like to extend their understanding of public management.

• How to generate public value public institutions?

• What are the main management tools applied to the public sector?

• How should management indicators be created?

• What is e-government?

• What is your leadership style?

• Do you know how to face?

The answers to these questions, and much more, you can learn in this postgraduate program of the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Chile. This program is taught by expert teachers in the field, with real experience in different public institutions.

Within the framework of the objectives and focuses of interest of the Centre for Public Systems, a team of professionals / professors has been formed who have developed the following proposal to carry out the “Diploma in Public Management” in accordance with the requirements of the Chilean Agency of International Cooperation for Development, which emerges as a complementary program to the Master in Management and Public Policies (the possibility of continuing with postgraduate studies once the diploma is granted) has been issued by the Department of Industrial Engineering from the year 2003. The focus of the program is mainly for professionals working in the state who wish to acquire tools and develop skills in public management. In its 15 years with more than 35 uninterrupted versions, more than 1000 professionals from the public sector (65%) NGOs International organizations (23%) and private sector (12%), who have evaluated the development of contents with excellence notes and associated activities.

The trajectory of this program has been given in the open versions and closed for public institutions such as: General Comptroller of the Republic, Central Services of the State of Chile, Municipalities, University of El Salvador and Chilean Agency of International cooperation for development.

Overall Objective

To provide students with an advanced level understanding of the concepts and treatments in matters of public management.

Specific Objetives

  1. To generate in the participants a shared language in new approaches of design and management of services and public institutions.
  2. To facilitate in the participants a space conducive to the systemic reflection on institutional challenges and the identification of the spaces of opportunity they can collectively assume to improve and modernize their own areas of performance.
  3. To strengthen the skills of public managers in the use of information technologies.


The Diploma program will be held in a blended learning, where the participants will attend classes in person and they will also have to develop activities outside the class schedule, for which they will have an online platform and a support team at their disposal which will act as a help desk and support for teaching coordination and collaboration, via email, forum and, if necessary, in personal meetings and through videoconference.

Application requirements

  1. Notarized copy of university degree (of a degree program at least 8 semesters long)
  2. Copy of Curriculum Vitae
  3. Photocopy of Passport
  4. Certification of English language (the Embassy of Chile may certify)
  5. Application Form to AGCI
  6. Simple medical certificate that indicates appropriate physical and mental health for participating in the Diploma program.
  7. Letter of recommendation and support from the institution where applicant works.

Duration and program schedule

The Diploma Program consists of 120 presential academic hours. These hours shall take place during 15 sessions (in 3 weeks time) of 8 presential hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from November 4 to 22 2019, at the facilities of the Universidad de Chile. There will be morning and afternoon coffee service, plus one free hour for lunch.

Validation of the diploma

All participants who pass this Diploma program and are interested in getting a Masters degree in the field, will be able to validate the units taken with elective units from the Management and Public Policies Master’s degree program in the Industrial Engineering Department of the Universidad de Chile. This validation can be used up to 2 years after having passed the Diploma program.


Ph.D. in Public Administration & Policy, Universidad de Rutgers.
Ph.D. in Economy, Universidad de Cambridge.
Master of Science Universidad de Chile.
Master in Industrial Engineering Universidad de Chile.